Vancouver Sun Profiles the International Cannabis Business Conference

After selling out events in Oregon and California, two of the states leading the United States towards ending cannabis prohibition, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) is proud to be heading to Vancouver, British Columbia, one of the leading cannabis capitals of the world. Canada provided a jolt to the global fight to legalize cannabis by electing Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party by a landslide margin as the party platform included legalization as one of its priorities. With Canada helping lead the global fight to end prohibition and Vancouver being a cannabis commercial hub for the country, the timing of the ICBC is great for activists and entrepreneurs alike.
The Vancouver Sun profiled the ICBC, interviewing conference producer Alex Rogers, noting that the ICBC’s unique focus and scope sets it apart from other cannabis conferences:
But the International Cannabis Business Conference seeks to differentiate itself from other events with its global scope and ambitions, said conference organizer and founder Alex Rogers this week. The first editions of the conference were held in San Francisco and Portland, and next April, organizers will take it to Berlin. Plans are in motion, Rogers said, for 2018 events in Australia and Croatia.
Rogers has lived and worked in five different countries, including a six-month jail sentence in Germany after a conviction for cannabis trafficking, an experience he said prompted him to ”make the decision to get my life together.”
“I am international citizen,” he said. “I’m a global soul. So my goal was always to take this international.”
Rogers said it is no coincidence that Vancouver will be the first city outside the U.S. to host his event, adding: ”Historically speaking, Vancouver is one of the cannabis capitals of the world.”
All of us working to organize the ICBC are so excited to head to Vancouver and bring so many great activists and entrepreneurs together. There aren’t many events that allow you to pick the brain of lawyers that have changed federal law, groundbreaking entrepreneurs and a cultural legend like Tommy Chong. Vancouver has been a leading city against the Reefer Madness mentality that has perpetuated the Drug War against the nonviolent cannabis community. It will be great to bring together some of the brightest minds of the cannabis world into a true cannabis capital to learn from one another and collaborate on future political and business ventures. This will be an event that you don’t want to miss, so get your tickets today!
Alex Rogers, British Columbia, Canada, cannabis, ICBC, International Cannabis Business Conference, legalization, Tommy Chong, Vancouver, Vancouver Sun