Vancouver ICBC Kicks Off This Sunday!

Cannabis law reformers and industry participants have a lot of reasons to celebrate and there’s no better place to be than the International Cannabis Business Conference in Vancouver which kicks off with an exclusive VIP party Sunday, June 24th. The iconic Henry Rollins will be on hand to give a speech and meet with party attendees as entrepreneurs, investors, employers, and advocates network and mingle. Many business deals have been developed at ICBC events since the first conference four years ago. With Canada passing the historic Cannabis Act, there’s never been a better time to attend the ICBC.
Even though Henry Rollins doesn’t use cannabis, he explained why he’s passionate about ending prohibition to Leafly:
“They’re after brown people and people like me—white people who talk about it,” he says. “The brown, the female, the gay—and I felt I was part of that coming from music. Being in Black Flag, we were easily identifiable by cops. They would let us know that they recognized us. I felt, in a way, ‘You want me gone, too.’ They really didn’t hide that.
A drug conviction, he stresses, was a powerful tool for police to remove dissidents from voting rolls, prohibit those convicted from getting jobs, and get them refused apartments.
“While I don’t use cannabis, I advocate for its legalization and decriminalization,” he says. “This is why. I’ve seen this war on people.”
On Monday, June 25th, Rollins will kick off the ICBC program with a passionate keynote address calling upon the cannabis industry to keep in mind patients and the victims of the Drug War. After Rollins’ speech, the conference schedule will update attendees on the latest developments in Canada, with some global news sprinkled in, as leaders among various fields share information as well as tips and tools of their respective trades. After the conference, the networking, and fun, continues as conference participants get to enjoy an exclusive concert performance from hip-hop legend Del the Funky Homosapien.
If you are in the cannabis business, or are thinking of taking the plunge, the International Cannabis Business Conference in beautiful, cannabis-friendly Vancouver is the place to be. Get your tickets before they sell out and be a part of history!
Canada, Del the Funky Homosapien, Henry Rollins, International Cannabis Business Conference, Vancouver