Tag: Canada
Under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, Canada is preparing for a fully regulated, adult-legal cannabis market, beginning in July 2018. On Monday, August 14, the Canadian Mental Health Association...
More Progress in Europe as Poland Legalizes Medical Cannabis
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Politics.
Polish President Andrzej Duda signed into law last a month a measure which will allow the production and sale of medical cannabis to qualified patients. The Sejm – Poland’s lower governing...
Israel Decriminalization Continues International Marijuana Progress
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
This past week, another significant milestone was achieved in the international cannabis world. The State of Israel, which has likely contributed more legitimized scientific research on the cannabis...
Canadian Cannabis Companies Eyeing German Marijuana Market
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
The expansion of Germany’s medical cannabis laws has understandably gotten a lot of international attention. Germany is one of the world’s economic and political leaders, so major marijuana...
Canadian Cannabis Company Purchases German Medical Distributor
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
There are signs that cannabis legalization is progressing at a rapid pace are abundant around the globe these days. From electoral victories to cultural milestones to the news that advocates are laying...
Vancouver Sun Profiles the International Cannabis Business Conference
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business.
After selling out events in Oregon and California, two of the states leading the United States towards ending cannabis prohibition, the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) is proud to...
Cannabis Comic Ngaio Bealum Keeps the ICBC Informative and Fun!
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Vancouver.
Cannabis comic extraordinaire Ngaio Bealum has brought his unique brand of comedy to cannabis events and clubs around the country, including emceeing the International Cannabis Business Conference...
Kirk Tousaw on Cannabis Policy and Advocacy Ahead of the ICBC
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Policy.
For members of the cannabis community, great attorneys can be your best friend. Effective attorneys can keep you out of prison, help you jump over regulatory hurdles and move reform efforts forward....
Join the NCIA at the ICBC in and in Fighting to Improve Cannabis Laws
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Vancouver.
The National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) has been at the forefront of cannabis law reform since its inception in 2010. NCIA works for sensible cannabis laws for for cannabis businesses...