SFGate.com: Three Steps to Securing Your Cannabis Industry Gig

Whether you want to start your own business or secure a job in the cannabis industry, there are tips of the trade that are universal to any profession and key insights that may be unique to the marijuana market. My advice is to demonstrate traits that both shatter stoner stereotypes (punctuality, for instance) and are stereotypical (open-mindedness). While you don’t need to be someone that uses cannabis frequently or at all, it might be best to brush up on facts about the plant (sativa vs. indica and different types of extracts/concentrates, for instance) and its history (political measure and activists that made the industry possible, for example). The San Francisco Chronicle’s SFGate.com listed three good tips on getting a job in the burgeoning cannabis industry:
Remember: The key cannabis sectors are cultivation, extraction, retail, or ancillary. As a step to identify which vertical you would like to work in, I suggest attending cannabis industry trade-shows, conferences, and other networking events. I also suggest researching many companies in each vertical to better understand how they contribute to each vertical.
Once you identify the vertical you would like to pursue, narrow your search down to companies you would like to pursue. Once you identify the companies that you believe would best suit you, begin applying to positions that your skillsets align with.
Lastly, I recommend attending trade-shows, conferences, and networking events where the companies you’re pursuing will be attending. It’s a clear advantage when you meet your potential employer in person, and an event is a great place to do so.
Interestingly, two of the three tips listed by SFGate.com mention attending networking events and I certainly couldn’t agree more. While it is great to be extremely knowledgeable regarding any business sector you wish to jump into, it is often “who you know” rather than “what you know.” While the importance of knowing the right people sounds cliche, it can be the truth. If you are the smartest person in the world, but no one knows you, it is harder to get a job than if you introduce yourself to 20 businesses and entrepreneurs in the industry you most want to join.
There is no better networking event for those in the cannabis industry, or those thinking of joining, than the International Cannabis Business Conference. The next ICBC is in Portland this September 27th-28th and the ICBC is known for both its curriculum and networking opportunities. With a VIP reception on the 27th and an afterparty, DJ’d by Cypress Hill legend DJ Muggs, two fantastic events bookend a conference program loaded with important intel.
If you are looking to invest in the industry, secure an investor, hire an employee, or land a job in the marijuana market, the ICBC is the cannabis conference for you. Don’t delay, secure your tickets today.
cannabis industry, DJ Muggs, marijuana market, San Francisco Chronicle, SFGate.com