Scotland’s First Medical Cannabis Clinic Is Set To Open

Cannabis reform is sweeping across the globe, however, there are still many countries that still prohibit cannabis, even for medical use. Even in countries where medical cannabis is legal, safe access to medical cannabis is not always widespread. An example of that is the situation that is going on in Scotland.
Medical cannabis laws were updated across the United Kingdom in 2018. At the time the reform was passed, medical cannabis advocates expressed fears that legal patient access to medical cannabis would be limited since it relied on a doctor’s prescription.
Time has proven that the fears were well-founded because in Scotland no licensed medical cannabis clinics exist. Fortunately, that is about to change. Per The Times:
Cannabis is set to be legally prescribed in Scotland at the country’s first private clinic for the drug.
The unit, which aims to provide medicinal cannabis for “all conditions acknowledged to benefit from it”, is scheduled to open in Aberdeen.
This is a very big milestone for suffering patients in Scotland. Obviously there is a lot of work left to be done in order to bring safe access to suffering patients throughout Scotland, however, the process has to start somewhere. Hopefully the new clinic helps suffering patients find relief from their conditions and helps build momentum for more clinics to open up.
No valid reason exists for prohibiting patients from responsibly using medical cannabis. Cannabis is more effective and safer than a laundry list of common medications. Patients should be able to make the safer choice if they want to and not have to live in fear because they consume a plant that is safer than alcohol.