Record Number In Scotland Buy Legal Medical Cannabis Privately

Scotland’s legal medical cannabis industry has struggled to reach its full potential in recent years, however, the industry has passed a meaningful milestone with a record number of Scots making legal purchases of medical cannabis products from private industry sources.
“Record numbers of Scots are paying for medical cannabis as NHS waiting lists leave them struggling to get conventional treatment.” reported Daily Mail. “An unprecedented 3,440 Scots now have private prescriptions for the drug – mostly patients suffering from common conditions such as depression, anxiety, or chronic pain.”
“Scotland’s first medical cannabis clinic was set up in 2019 and its roster of clients has grown monthly.” the outlet also reported.
Nearly five dozen nations around the world have legalized cannabis for medical use to some degree. Israel was the first country to legalize cannabis for medical use back in 1999.
Currently, cannabis is legal for adult use in Uruguay, Canada, Malta, Luxembourg, Germany, and South Africa. Recreational cannabis legalization has also been adopted by two dozen states in the U.S., and regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot trials are operating in the Netherlands and Switzerland.