More Progress in Europe as Poland Legalizes Medical Cannabis

Polish President Andrzej Duda signed into law last a month a measure which will allow the production and sale of medical cannabis to qualified patients. The Sejm – Poland’s lower governing legislative body – passed the bill earlier in the spring, earning a tremendous vote of support with 440 in favor to only 2 against. The progress of medical cannabis in Poland is just the latest example of how sensible marijuana law reforms are quickly advancing across the globe. With European powerhouse Germany leading the way medicinally and Canada recreationally, the global movement to end cannabis prohibition has a ton of momentum behind it, which is good news for patients, consumers, entrepreneurs and everyday citizens alike.
Poland’s new law seeks to create a system of manufacture and distribution of cannabis to patients with physician approval. While the original bill supported patients’ rights to produce their own medicine, the final version does not go as far. The measure ultimately signed by President Duda allows the Polish State to import raw cannabis materials and dispense the medicine through pharmacies, though current law does not allow for the state to cover the cost of cannabis as it does for other medicines. Patients can expect to see access to cannabis flowers, tinctures and other extracts.
Doctors will be allowed to prescribe various products of the plant for debilitating conditions, including things such as severe epilepsy, chronic pain and side effects from chemotherapy and cancer. However, the bill does not offer a specific set of conditions, allowing an openness to future therapies.
For now, the Polish government will be focusing on a public education campaign to bring awareness of the plant to its doctors, pharmacies and citizens.
One of the campaigns biggest proponents, MP Piotr Liroy-Marzec told in an interview a few weeks ago:
“‘We sent [a to-do list]to the government to let them know what they need to prepare,’
“‘…The Polish Institute of Cannabis will be starting right now. Education on cannabis is what Poland needs, for the doctors, judges, and pharmacists.'”
The bill is expected to take effect in October.
Come discover the current state of cannabis in European markets next April 12-13, 2018 in Berlin, Germany, for the International Cannabis Business Conference! Want to know what else is happening on the international cannabis trade front even sooner? Join ICBC in Kauai, Hawaii, this December 1-3, 2017. Tickets are on sale now!
Photo credit: Taka Kasuya/StockPot Images. All rights reserved.
This blog was originally published by Marijuana Politics and has been posted here with special permission.
Canada, Germany, International Cananbis Business Conference, Poland