Morocco’s Legal Industry Produced 4,000 Tons Of Cannabis In 2024

Morocco’s National Agency for the Regulation of Cannabis Activities (ANRAC) Director General Mohamed El Guerrouj recently announced at an annual board meeting that the nation’s emerging legal cannabis industry produced thousands of tons of cannabis last year.
“In 2024, approximately 4,000 tons of cannabis were produced over an area of 2,169 hectares,” ANRAC Director General Mohamed El Guerrouj stated about Morocco’s legal cannabis industry according to local reporting by APA News. “No infractions related to non-compliance were recorded.”
APA News also reported the following statistics for Morocco’s legal cannabis industry in 2024:
- 3,371 licenses were granted out of 4,158 applications, reflecting an approval rate of nearly 81%
- 3,056 permits were issued to 2,907 farmers for cannabis cultivation and production – up from the 430 licenses issued in 2023
- 315 licenses were granted to 158 sector operators
The climate in parts of Morocco is well-suited for large-scale cannabis production, which is why the North African nation has long served as a leading source of unregulated cannabis, particularly as a source for the European market.
In recent years, Morocco’s government has worked to modernize the nation’s cannabis policies and regulations to permit legal cannabis production and commerce.
Currently, cannabis is legal for adult use in Uruguay, Canada, Malta, Luxembourg, Germany, and South Africa. Additionally, nearly five dozen countries have adopted medical cannabis legalization policies to some degree.