Morocco Unveils Logo For Legal Cannabis Products

Last month Morocco’s Agence Nationale de Réglementation des Activités relatives au Cannabis (ANRAC) reported the nation’s first legal cannabis crop, which totaled a reported 294 metric tons. It was a major milestone for a nation that has long been associated with the cannabis trade, albeit the unregulated cannabis trade.
Historically, Morocco is one of the world’s largest sources of unregulated cannabis, with Moroccan cannabis being particularly popular in Europe. The first legal harvest reported last month is part of a new government program in Morocco that was launched to give cannabis farmers in the North African nation a path to join the regulated industry.
Morocco first adopted its current medical cannabis policy in 2021. The measure authorized the legal production of cannabis for medical, cosmetic, and industrial uses, as well as tasked a national agency to oversee the launch and operation of the industry.
In March 2022, Morocco’s government selected three provinces where medical cannabis would eventually be legally cultivated for domestic and export purposes. Roughly three months later, the nation’s national cannabis regulatory agency, ANRAC, met for the first time. In October 2022, Morocco issued its first cannabis production permits.
Now, the North African nation has announced that it has adopted an official logo for legal cannabis products created within its borders:
Many legal jurisdictions adopt an official symbol for cannabis products for various reasons, not the least of which is to alert people that the product contains cannabinoids. For Morocco, given its long history with the cannabis plant, the logo could eventually become more than just a symbol for legal cannabis products, but rather, a symbol for the nation’s entire emerging legal industry.
According to excerpts from initial reporting by Morocco World News, “The official gazette notice emphasized that the logo should be used as a label on all legalized cannabis products…It further emphasized that if the color used in the logo is not possible, the logo can be used in black and white.