Moldova Issues First Authorization For Hemp Production

Hemp policy and regulatory modernization is sweeping across the globe, with a recent example being in the European nation of Moldova where the government has issued its first authorization for legal hemp cultivation.
“Moldova has officially entered the industrial hemp sector, issuing its first authorization for hemp cultivation under new regulations that open the door for fiber and seed production.” reported Hemp Today in its original coverage. “The approval, granted by the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices through its Standing Committee on Drug Control, marks a significant step in the country’s agricultural policy.
“The move follows recent government amendments to laws regulating plants containing narcotic or psychotropic substances, which now define industrial hemp separately from marijuana. Under the new framework, farmers can grow hemp varieties listed in the Moldovan National Plant Variety Catalog, the EU’s Common Catalog of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species, or national catalogs of EU member states.” the outlet also stated.
Humans have made use of the hemp plant for various purposes for thousands of centuries. It wasn’t until the 1900s that policies prohibiting hemp production and use were enacted.
Thankfully, more governments are getting on the right side of history and allowing aspiring members of the legal hemp industry to cultivate hemp and use it as a source for medical products and adult-use products, in addition to using hemp for creating numerous textiles.