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Legal Cannabis Supply Changes Coming To The Netherlands Next Month

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The Netherlands is home to multiple regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot trials. The pilot trials involve permitting limited recreational cannabis sales at a local level for policymakers and regulators to be able to gather industry research data for later use.

Currently, the participating pilot trial retail outlets can source their cannabis products from non-legal sources. However, that is going to change starting next month when all products for the pilot trials have to be sourced from legal suppliers.

“As of April 7, coffeeshops in the ten participating municipalities will no longer be allowed to sell illegally sourced cannabis, marking the most substantial shift in the Netherlands’ drug policy in decades.” stated NL Times in its local coverage.

“Under the new system, all cannabis must come from government-approved growers. Minister of Justice and Security Van Weel said he expects the “quantity, quality, and diversity” of legally grown cannabis to be sufficient by the deadline to meet consumer demand.” the outlet also reported.

Cannabis pilot trials are operating in the Netherlands in Breda, Tilburg, Arnhem, Almere, Groningen, Heerlen, Hellevoetsluis, Maastricht, Nijmegen, and Zaanstad. A proposal to expand the cannabis trials to include the Amsterdam-Oost district was previously denied by members of the Netherlands Parliament.

A poll conducted in April 2024 found that 60% of residents in the Netherlands support having a regulated cannabis industry.

the Netherlands