ICBC Founder Alex Rogers Talks Cannabis on the Hacker Noon Podcast

As the global cannabis industry heats up around the world, Alex Rogers, the founder and CEO of the International Cannabis Business Conference, has been a sought after voice to discuss the state of the industry and its prospects for the future. As someone that foresaw the potential for the worldwide movement before most, it makes sense that interested parties would seek out someone with experience with the outlaw economy (in a previous life), political activism, music scene, and business worlds. Rogers’ background is what has shaped the ICBC to bring together cannabis business, politics, and culture unlike any other conference.
Just about a week ahead of the ICBC’s fifth annual event in San Francisco, on February 7th-8th, the Hacker Noon podcast caught up with Alex to discuss what is happening with the cannabis movement around the globe:
“Our tech stuff is still considered fairly pedestrian in our industry, but that’s what makes it so exciting of an opportunity.”
“We see a lot of tech guys, and business guys coming into the cannabis space and they’ve seen it before, they know what is going on. It is just a simple analogy.”
“You see a lot of marriages between tech and business in the cannabis space that are creating some amazing breakthroughs and developments.” — Alex Rogers
A sincere thanks to the Hacker Noon podcast, please visit their site and subscribe to them on YouTube.