ICBC First Ever Cannabis Conference Under Full Legalization Law

Anyone that has attended industry conferences can tell you that the International Cannabis Business Conference is not like other events. Combining cannabis business, politics, and culture is no easy feat and that has been the ICBC’s mission since its inception in 2014. We’ve seen great progress since the first ICBC conference (when there were only two U.S. states with legalized cannabis) and now, four years later, the ICBC is the first ever cannabis conference held in a country that has passed a full* legalization law.
Canadian cannabis industry participants have a lot of reasons to be excited as the nation has already been a global market leader, but will now see more jobs created and more revenue generated by expanding the customer base to adult citizens and tourists. Existing medical businesses have already stepped up their hiring practices and full legalization will only increase the need for workers.
There has never been a better time to learn from, and network with, industry entrepreneurs, investors, and advocates, and there is no better place to do so than the ICBC in Vancouver this June 24th-25th. With experts like Kirk Tousaw, Robert Laurie, and Jamie Shaw presenting, you’ll be as prepared as possible for the Canadian cannabis system and with industry participants flocking to Vancouver from all corners of Canada, and around the globe, the networking opportunities will be unmatched by any event.
Many cannabis commercial deals and other products have sprouted from ICBC networking events over the years and we can count on deals sprouting out of the ICBC this year, especially with the hosting of the Canopy Rivers/Canopy Growth pitch event to invest in up-and-coming businesses this year. With an exclusive VIP party attended by rock icon Henry Rollins and hip-hop legend Del the Funky Homosapien performing at the after-party, the networking opportuniteis will be entertaining and enagaging.
While it won’t be legal for non-patients to legally utilize cannabis under federal law until October 17th, prosecutors should follow the example set by many district attorneys in Oregon that stopped prosecuting personal possession use as a crime before the legalization law went into effect. Hopefully, Canadian victims of the War on Cannabis will be allowed to expunge old conviction from their record, just like the citizens of California and Oregon.
It is exciting to see economic opportunities increase in Canada, but ending arrests that can ruin lives and ensuring that patients have safe access are the most important aspect of ending cannabis prohibition; I’m happy that the ICBC always keeps the focus on activism. Keynote speaker Henry Rollins will certainly implore conference attendees to use the industry to benefit society, not just to make money (although there is nothing wrong with making a profit, but that can’t be the only thing the cannabis industry is about.) It is exciting to know that more jobs and revenue will be coming to Canada, but freedom is the most important aspect of the Cannabis Act.
* While Uruguay has legalized possession and regulated commerce for its own citizens, foreigners are not allowed to purchase or possess cannabis.
Don’t miss your chance to be a part of history as the International Cannabis Business Conference is the place to be this June 24th-25th. If you are in the cannabis industry, or are thinking of joining, the Vancouver ICBC is the event for you. Get your tickets before the conference sells out.
Canopy Growth, Canopy Rivers, Jamie Shaw, Kirk Tousaw, Robert Laurie