French Multi-Party Parliamentary Report Calls For Cannabis Legalization

France is home to the greatest cannabis consumption rate out of any of the countries on the European continent according to the World Health Organization. In fact, consumption rates in France are more than double the European average.
Historically, France was home to one of the harshest cannabis policies in Europe, although cannabis is now decriminalized for personal possession. People caught with a personal amount of cannabis in France are now subjected to a 200 euro fine.
For many in France, decriminalization is not good enough, and they are demanding that France legalize cannabis for adult use. One of those people is French lawmaker François-Michel Lambert, who recently used a cannabis joint as a visual aid to hammer home his point as first reported by Marijuana Moment:
A French lawmaker caused a stir on Tuesday when he brandished a marijuana joint on the floor of the National Assembly, denouncing the criminalization of cannabis and calling for a policy change.
Deputy François-Michel Lambert said prohibition “is a total failure” and that “legalization would make it possible to dry up trafficking, create tax revenues and create jobs” before showcasing a cup with a cannabis leaf on it and then pulling a joint from it.
“Other countries have chosen to face the problem rather than the ostrich policy” of France, the deputy said.
Per Marijuana Moment’s reporting, the move by François-Michel Lambert came a day before a report from the National Assembly called for adult-use legalization.
“For fifty years, prohibition has adopted an unattainable objective, without ever having the means to achieve its ambitions. Regulated legalization is the best way to regain control and protect the French.” the report stated.
Hopefully lawmakers head the advice from the report because cannabis prohibition is an epic public policy failure that has ruined way too many lives.