Former President Of France Francois Hollande Supports Adult Use Cannabis

While not willing to say he is “in favour” of consumption, he does believe that better control of the drug can be handled by legalization
In a sign that things are changing on the cannabis conversation even in France, which just this year reluctantly moved forward on a highly limited medical trial, Francois Hollande, who led the country between 2012 and 2017, came out with a statement in favour of the establishment of an adult-use market in the country.
Citing less his support for the industry and more as a common-sense one, designed to regulate the industry, prevent it from getting into the wrong hands, and making a dent on the black market.
The German Example
Citing the decision of Germany’s new “Traffic Light” Coalition to move forward with a recreational use plan, Hollande stressed that cannabis reform could not just be limited to a national discussion but rather tackled on a European level.
Hollande also believes that just decriminalizing the drug without providing for a regulated, legal market makes no sense. As he said in an interview with a European news organization, “As soon as it is legalized, there is no longer any reason to penalize, except those who could drive while having smoked or those who harm their health and the health of others by overconsuming.”
How Fast Will Reform Move in France?
France is one of the slowest moving European countries on the issue of formal reform – or at least it has been so far. Current President, Emanual Macron proposed earlier this year to launch a national debate on the issue. Perhaps the German decision to move forward will also speed this up now too.
Regardless, for a prominent former politician to take a stand on cannabis reform is a significant step, particularly given the fact that he pinned his logic on the German example.
The Great Teutonic Tipping Point for Cannabis?
It is very clear, regardless of how fast reform actually moves in France, or anywhere else in Europe for that matter, that recreational reform has now entered the mainstream debate. The German market will continue to drive the discussion forward – both on the medical and now on the recreational front.
And even if it is not next year, or the next several after that, the writing is on the wall. France will follow suit.
Make sure to stay on top of European developments in the fast-paced and changing cannabis industry by attending the International Cannabis Business Conference when it returns to Barcelona, Berlin and Zurich next year.