Former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Joins Cannabis Company Board

Former Orange County Republican Dana Rohrabacher, fresh off the heels of his keynote address at the International Cannabis Business Conference in Zurich, has just announced that he is joining the board of Rohrabacher joins a growing list of former elected officials including past Speaker of the House John Boehner and Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, working directly in the cannabis industry. A huge difference between Rohrabacher and others, however, is the fact that he dedicated much of his political life, and political capital, working to end prohibition and improve U.S. cannabis laws. While other politicians are hopping on the bandwagon now that cannabis has gone mainstream, Rohrabacher deserves credit for getting on the right side of history before it was popular, especially among his Republican colleagues.
I’m proud to announce I’ve joined as a shareholder and advisory board member, so I may continue the fight for cannabis legalization on a national level.
— Dana Rohrabacher (@DanaRohrabacher) May 29, 2019
The Hill reported on the move:
BudTrader, based California, is a cannabis platform considered the “Craigslist of weed.” Its CEO, Brad McLaughlin, announced plans to go public on Friday.
Rohrabacher was a champion of marijuana while in Congress. He worked to protect medical cannabis companies from prosecution by the Justice Department, efforts which first passed as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment in 2014. He also co-founded the Cannabis Caucus in the House in 2017.
Having former members of Congress lobbying their friends on Capitol Hill should only be good news for federal cannabis legalization. We will need to remain vigilant, but it is promising to see our fight for freedom garner more and more support, and hopefully these move into the industry will only amplify the voices demanding we end the failed and harmful war on cannabis.
The International Cannabis Business Conference is THE industry event to learn the latest and network with top investors and entrepreneurs. Next up: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, this June 15-16. Be sure to secure your tickets by August 21st to save with our early-bird rates., Dana Rohrabacher, John Boehner, The Hill, Tom Daschle