First Latin American Cannabis to Be Exported to Germany and Europe

In three short years, Germany has become a major leader in the European and international medical cannabis system, quickly becoming the continent’s biggest market and helping set the standard on testing and medical insurance coverage. It’s probably no coincidence that the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin established itself as the largest industry B2B in Europe, growing along with the German cannabis community over the last few years. As the European Union powerhouse’s cannabis program has advanced, other nations have taken notice, bringing the ICBC to both Barcelona last March and into Zurich, Switzerland, this May 15th-16th.
Germany’s medical system hasn’t been perfect, with a lack of supply inflating prices and limiting patients’ choices of strains and products. German patients will soon be aided by a shipment from Latin America as cannabis from Uruguay and Colombia will soon be exported to Europe for the first time in history, as The Washington Post reports:
Fotmer Life Sciences of Uruguay and Clever Leaves of Colombia will export cannabis extract and dried marijuana flowers to Germany, which they called the largest market in Europe, with an estimated 700,000 people using medicinal products derived from marijuana.
“This puts Uruguay on the world map” of pharmaceutical cannabis, said Fotmer CEO Jordan Lewis, an American who moved to Uruguay to participate in the cannabis industry after its legalization.
In a press statement from Germany, Clever Leaves CEO Andrés Fajardo said the export deal shows “that the Colombian market can reach international standards and produce high quality medicinal cannabis.”
The German company that will import the products, Cansativa GmbH, said it is the first time a European company is buying medicinal cannabis from Latin America. Benedikt Sons, co-founder and director of Cansativa, said in a statement the trade with Latin America will ensure better prices in Germany by expanding sources of supply beyond the Netherlands and Canada.
With Germany licensing domestic production soon and importing more imports, German patients will benefit first and foremost and the economic benefits will spread throughout the continent as other nations follow. As the global cannabis community spreads its wings across the globe, it is exciting to see so many “firsts” happen all over the world. Each new development leads to more access to a safe medicine while creating jobs and revenue nation-by-nation.
To learn the latest about the cannabis industries in Switzerland, Europe, and the world, there is no better place to be than the International Cannabis Business Conference in Zurich this May 15-16. Get your tickets now to get educated and network with toop investors and entrepreneurs.
Andrés Fajardo, Cansativa GmbH, Clever Leaves, Fotmer, Jordan Lewis