European Parliament Accepts Low-THC Cannabis Petition

Cannabis products that are low in THC are very popular in many parts of the world right now, particularly in Europe. ‘Cannabis light,’ as it is sometimes referred to, is widespread across the European continent.
Italy is a market where cannabis light products are very popular, however, the products have been the target of recent crackdown attempts by Italian lawmakers and regulators. Attempts to ban Italy’s cannabis light industry resulted in a petition being previously submitted to the European Parliament, and the petition was recently accepted.
“The petition presented by several national acronyms last September was accepted by the Petitions Committee (PETI) of the European Parliament. Its chairman, Polish conservative Bogdan Rzońca, asked the European Commission to “conduct a preliminary investigation into the issue.” reported EUNews in its recent coverage.
“In the response addressed to the president of Canapa Sativa Italia, Mattia Cusani (the first signatory of the petition that gathered the yes of Confagricoltura, Cia, Copagri, Cna Agroalimentare, Unci, Liberi Agricoltori, Altragricoltura, Associazione Florovivaisti Italiani, Federcanapa, Sardinia Cannabis, Assocanapa, Resilienza Italia Onlus, Canapa delle Marche, the European Industrial Hemp Association -EIHA, and the French UPCBD) the PETI committee pointed out that the Court of Justice of the European Union, in a judgement of October 4, 2024, ruled that Member States may not impose restrictions on the cultivation of industrial hemp, including indoor cultivation and cultivation exclusively for the production of inflorescences, unless such restrictions are supported by factual scientific evidence relating to the protection of public health.” the outlet also reported.
The battle over cannabis light in Italy and other parts of Europe comes at a time when many European countries are working to modernize their cannabis policies. Most European nations now have some type of medical cannabis program operating to some degree.
Currently, cannabis that is not low in THC is expressly legal for adult use in Malta, Luxembourg, and Germany. Additionally, regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot trials are operating in the Netherlands and Switzerland.