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Demand for Medical Cannabis Has Tripled in Germany in Just Two Years

Medical marijuana doctor

Germany’s medical cannabis system is somewhat of a paradox. On one hand, the European powerhouse has clearly been a worldwide leader by standardizing the process and, most importantly, covering medicinal cannabis like any other prescribed medicine. On the other hand, Germany has lagged behind on domestic production, relying upon imports, and the availability of cannabis products, such as edibles, concentrates, and extracts. Cannabis industry investors, entrepreneurs, and researchers will be converging upon Berlin for the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin to learn the latest as the German medical cannabis system is taking off, with demand tripling over the last two years as Westfälische Rundschau reported:

Patients with multiple sclerosis or chronic pain can have their medical cannabis regularly prescribed by the doctor in Germany for two years. The decision of the former Federal Ministry of Health under Hermann Gröhe (CDU) was a sensation in the German health care system. More and more patients now want cannabis therapies – and doctors, pharmacies and health insurance companies are experiencing an unrestrained rush. Companies come from abroad to Germany in the hope of big business.

How cannabis works has long been known. It can relieve spasticity in multiple sclerosis or chronic pain. In case of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy or Tourette’s syndrome, however, the medical effect is low, as the German Medical Association stresses. Until the liberalization medical cannabis was a niche in Germany, only about 1000 patients had a special permit.

Demand for cannabis triples

Within a year, demand has tripled. This is shown by figures from the pharmacist association ABDA, which is available to the German Press Agency. According to this, in the past year, pharmacies sold about 145,000 units of cannabis-containing preparations and unprocessed flowers based on about 95,000 prescriptions. In the nearly ten months of 2017 from the release in March to the end of the year, there were 27,000 prescriptions and 44,000 units. The costs are covered by the statutory health insurance.

Germany is currently in the process of selecting domestic cannabis cultivators, alleviating one major problem facing its patients. After securing an adequate supply, Germany’s medical system will likely move onto adding more cannabis products to its market and the industry will truly take off. If other nations have proven anything, it is clear that medical cannabis will eventually lead to legalization for all adults as the truth about cannabis moves completely into the mainstream. Don’t be surprised if Germany is the second or third biggest cannabis market within the next five to ten years.

Tickets for the International Cannabis Business Conference will be returning to Berlin this March 31st to April 2nd. Tickets go up this Wednesday. Purchase your tickets now to save money, learn the latest, and network with top investors and entrepreneurs from around the world. 

German Federal Ministry of Health, German Medical Association, German Press Agency, Hermann Gröhe, Westfälische Rundschau