Czech Republic Doctors Prescribed 210 Kilograms Of Medical Cannabis In 2023

Medical doctors in the Czech Republic prescribed roughly 210 kilograms of medical cannabis products last year according to new data from the nation’s State Agency for Medicinal Cannabis. That is reportedly 43 times more medical cannabis compared to what was prescribed just five years ago.
Currently, six companies hold medical cannabis production licenses in the Czech Republic where medical cannabis prescriptions are covered by public health insurance. Germany is the only other European nation where public health insurance covers medical cannabis prescriptions.
Medical cannabis was first legalized in the Czech Republic in 2013, with the first patients receiving safe access to medical cannabis in 2014. The Czech Republic’s State Agency for Medicinal Cannabis has medical cannabis sales data publicly available going back to 2015.
Advocates in the Czech Republic are also pushing for adult-use legalization, in line with Germany’s legalization effort. Per BRNO Daily:
According to a study prepared by the Pirate Party, the state could raise between CZK 650 million and CZK 1.8 billion annually by legalising marijuana and taxing it. The Pirates also see savings in the prison and judicial systems if cannabis is legalised.
Other European countries, including Germany, are preparing similar legalisation plans.
An estimated 125,000 people use marijuana illegally in the Czech Republic.
In April 2023, when Germany’s adult-use legalization measure was formally introduced by German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach, lawmakers in the Czech Republic made it clear that they would be pursuing legalization too.
Per Expats CZ, an online poll they conducted at the time regarding adult-use cannabis reform in the Czech Republic found that 92% of survey respondents answered ‘yes’ to the question, “Do you agree with the government’s plans to regulate the recreational cannabis market?”