CBD Hemp Business Fair Is Coming To Spain

Cannabidiol (CBD) currently has the designation of being the most popular cannabinoid on earth. As proof of that claim, consider the fact that CBD is searched more often on Google than any other cannabinoid, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and that’s been the case since December 2016.
In addition to being queried more often on the world’s most popular online search engine than its cannabinoid counterparts, hemp-derived CBD is legal in far more regions of the planet compared to THC. It is estimated that the global CBD market was worth nearly 5 billion USD in 2021 and that it could be worth as much as 47 billion USD by 2028. That figure doesn’t include the global market for industrial hemp, which is set to experience a 33%+ compounded annual growth rate through 2030 according to at least one estimate.
You will be hardpressed to find an industry that is already worth billions of dollars and yet is still set to experience the level of exponential growth that the global CBD and industrial hemp industry will experience in the coming years. There is literally no better time to get into the CBD industry than right now, and a great way to do exactly that is to attend the upcoming CBD Hemp Business Fair in Barcelona on October 7-9, 2022.
Spannabis, the world’s largest cannabis trade show with more than 20 years of experience, is launching this amazing new event focused on CBD and industrial hemp. The fair is expected to have more than 100 brands present on a 12,000 square meter expo floor. Over 1,500 industry professionals and 15,000 visitors are expected to be in attendance over the course of the 3-day event.
CBD Hemp Business Fair will feature an event networking app that helps facilitate collaborations between exhibitors and event attendees before and during the event. The app is a very useful tool to promote companies, make appointments, and discover new potential clients.
The event’s showroom will feature demonstrations, presentations, and entertainment including cooking demonstrations and live music. The event will also include an outdoor food truck area, the CBD Champions Cup, and the CBD and Hemp Awards. If you want to get into the emerging CBD and hemp industry, or just want to learn more about its products and services, you do not want to miss this event!