It is estimated that as many as 50 million people worldwide suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. It is also estimated that every 3 seconds someone is diagnosed with the condition. Alzheimer’s...
Researchers In Norway Explore Cannabis Treatments And Parkinson’s Disease
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Science.
Parkinson’s disease is a condition that attacks the nervous system and involves the patient experiencing tremors, muscular rigidity, and slow, imprecise movements. The condition seems to mainly...
Researchers In Brazil Find That CBD Is Ineffective For Restless Legs Syndrome
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Science.
Restless leg syndrome may not sound like a serious condition, however, it can have a very negative impact on someone’s life that suffers from the condition. I know this firsthand, as I suffer...
Study Finds Most Likely Reasons For Canadian Medical Cannabis Use
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Science.
People use cannabis for a variety of reasons, including and especially wellness purposes. Whereas cannabis prohibition is a relatively new policy phenomenon, the use of cannabis for medical purposes...
Pakistan’s Ministry Of Science And Technology Is Forming Cannabis Authority
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Policy, Science.
Industrial hemp is legal in Pakistan, with the country harvesting its first legal hemp crop late last year. Unfortunately, all other forms of cannabis are still prohibited in the conservative country. Pakistan’s...
Feeding Cannabis To Poultry Instead Of Antibiotics
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Policy, Science.
Thailand is not just distributing free cannabis plants, but also finding innovative ways to incorporate the plant into other industries Thailand is moving quickly into the international cannabis industry...
Germany’s Drug Czar To Keynote International Cannabis Business Conference In Berlin
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Policy, Science.
Germany is in the midst of the most robust and complex cannabis policy and industry endeavor in the history of humankind. Policymakers and industry regulators in Germany have worked diligently since...
Study Finds That Aerosolized Cannabis Significantly Reduces Pain Levels
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Science.
Cannabis inhalers are not necessarily a new technology, however, they are definitely newer than some other consumption methods. It’s an emerging technology in the cannabis space. Many medical...
Cannabis Inversely Associated With Obesity In Hepatitis C Patients
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Science.
It is estimated that as many as 58 million people suffer from hepatitis C worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 1.1 million deaths occurred in 2019 due to hepatitis B and...