When a major milestone is met, there were many small and big steps along the way that helped forge that path forward, and cannabis policy reforms are certainly no different. When Canada shook the world...
The Oregon Legislature Approves Cannabis Exports, Will the U.S. Follow Suit?
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Various localities’ ability to become “laboratories of democracy” (to an extent) and implement their own laws is a rather unique and interesting concept not employed by all nations....
The Church of England to Invest in Medical Cannabis
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Vancouver.
England has rarely been invaded by anyone or anything. In fact the last invasion of note happened in 1066 (see William the Conqueror). However when it comes to cannabis, no place is immune to the growing...
Is Canada Losing Ground to the United States as the Global Cannabis Leader?
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
There is absolutely no doubt that Canada has been the global leader in the international cannabis market. Step by step in recent years, reforms at the federal level, starting with regulating medical...
Could The British Royals Jump Into The Cannabis Industry?
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Cultural.
With the news that the Church of England has changed its investments policy with regards to medical cannabis, Anglophiles must be wondering what comes next. Could even the Queen, if not the Royal Family...
Declining Profits Bringing Beer Companies Into the Cannabis Industry
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Recognizing the growth of the burgeoning cannabis industry is enough to bring a lot of companies, entrepreneurs, and investors into the business sector, but beer sellers have an additional reason to...
Cannabis Companies Hiring and Paying More Than Other Industries
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
With Illinois becoming the 11th state to legalize cannabis, Delaware inching forward to becoming #12, and New Jersey and New York on the verge of ending prohibition, it is easy to see that the cannabis...
Canadian Craft Cannabis Leader Pasha Brands Acquires Producer & Processor
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Vancouver.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has a long and deserved reputation as a pioneering cannabis leader. Sensible policies and a progressive culture have fostered a welcoming place for the cannabis community,...
Cannabis Sparks a U.S.-Canadian War for Top Employees
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Canada has gotten a head start on legalization, but the United States is catching up with Illinois becoming the 11th state to end cannabis prohibition. The Great White North has the advantage of a sensible...