One very large benefit to reforming cannabis laws and implementing a regulated cannabis industry is the creation of jobs. Unlike many other industries, the cannabis industry can operate in virtually...
Cannabis Import/Export Regulations Are Coming To Jamaica Soon
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business.
Jamaica has a long and rich history with the cannabis plant. Cannabis has been a part of Jamaica’s culture for many decades and has been a driving force for the Caribbean island nation’s...
The Race To Conquer Cannabis Europe
Written by Randy Smith on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Author: Marguerite Arnold Canadian canna-businesses have had a giant head start, but they do not have a monopoly on international cannabis supply or the supply chain. And competition is on the horizon...
ICBC is one of the top cannabis events in the world, according to Entrepreneur Magazine
Written by Randy Smith on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
ICBC is one of the top cannabis events in the world, according to Entrepreneur Magazine Green Entrepreneur, the cannabis-focused division of Entrepreneur Magazine, has named the International...
Cannabis Investment Hotspots To Still Consider
Written by Randy Smith on . Posted in Business, ICBC Berlin, ICBC Vancouver, Medical.
Written by: Marguerite Arnold International Cannabis Investment Hotspots That Aren’t Canada Canada always has a lot of buzz as a great place for folks looking to invest in the international cannabis...
German Pharmacists Support Medical Cannabis, See Market Growth
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Berlin, ICBC Vancouver, Medical.
The German cannabis patient community has grown by leaps and bounds since the program was approved a few years ago and the International Cannabis Business Conference is so pleased to have witnessed...
Canadian Cannabis Company to Open Retail Herb House in Jamaica
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
The international cannabis industry is getting more interconnected than ever before and Canadians are still leading the way while other nation’s policies are still trying to catch up. Canada’s...
UK MPs Expect to Legalize Cannabis Within the Next 5 to 15 Years
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Three United Kingdom Members of Parliament, representing the Conservative, Labour, and Liberal Democrat parties all recently traveled to Canada on a fact-finding trip organized by the harm reduction...
Thailand Jumps Into Cannabis Tourism Ring
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Thailand, last year’s last minute cannabis reformer (along with Israel, on Christmas Day, as a “gift” to the Thai people), has wasted little time going where other national governments...