Germany is home to the largest legal medical cannabis market on the European continent. That is not surprising considering that Germany is home to the fourth-largest economy on the planet behind only...
Potential Legalization In Germany – The Hopeful Response From The Cannabis Industry
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Politics.
By Editorial Team How do Germany’s industry leaders view a potential cannabis legalization? We asked around: In overall, the founders and CEOs of successful cannabis companies are...
JPMorgan: No Trading Certain U.S. Cannabis Stocks
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business.
Cannabis stocks are a popular and easy way to invest in the emerging cannabis industry. As any seasoned investor will point out, cannabis stocks are young compared to stock offerings from more established...
Polish Hemp Production Is Down – Because Of Government Stays On Incentives
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business.
Hemp production fell about 36% this year because many farmers found their state-derived incentives blocked due to supposedly illegal levels of THC Here is the good news. The Polish government is providing...
Feiras E Congressos Alavancam A Indústria E Fomentam A Cultura Canábica
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business.
This article was originally published by Poder360 and republished here with special permission from the author By Anita Krepp Cursos e workshops extraoficiais oferecidos por empreendedores autônomos...
Switzerland And Luxembourg Firm Plans For Recreational Markets
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Politics.
Two European countries, one in the EU and one surrounded by it are, after many stutters and false starts, moving concretely towards recreational markets next year. In the last week, both Switzerland...
Uganda Cannabis Exports To Germany
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Medical.
The African country is ramping up production for not only exports but also intra- African trade The African cannabis scene is not only heating up, but so is the path from the “Dark Continent”...
South African Producer To List On Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business.
In a first of its kind, a Gauteng based cannabis producer has listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Tuesday October 12 last week was a red-letter day of sorts for the South African cannabis...
What Are The Best Cannabis Events In Germany?
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business.
It is an extremely exciting time to be a cannabis enthusiast. Thanks to the hard work of countless cannabis activists, cannabis reform continues to spread across the planet. Cannabis is now legally...