Things are starting to change in a hurry on the cannabis front across the EU. Here is a brief overview of the leading cannabis countries across the region as it experiences a European “summer...
Germany Moving Forward With Legal Cannabis Sales Plan
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Policy.
Germany’s Health Ministry announced today that it will start holding hearings tomorrow to discuss various aspects of legalizing cannabis sales for adult-use nationwide. It’s a huge announcement...
European CBD Novel Food Evaluations Put On Hold
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Business, Policy.
Cannabidiol (CBD) products are extremely popular around the world, with consumers and patients buying them every day around the globe from brick and mortar stores, online, and virtually every other...
South Africa Supreme Court Reviews Cannabis Cultivation Club Case
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Policy.
South Africa’s Supreme Court is reviewing a case that could have significant implications for the future of the nation’s emerging cannabis industry. The case involves an entity that started...
Morocco’s National Cannabis Regulatory Agency Meets For The First Time
Written by Frank Schuler on . Posted in Business, Politics.
Morocco is one of many countries around the world that are working towards reforming their cannabis laws and launching a legal, regulated cannabis industry. For several decades Morocco has served as...
Attend Cannabis Europa In London June 28-29th
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Policy, Science.
The emerging legal cannabis industry in Europe is at a critical juncture. After Malta became the first country to pass a national, no THC-limit adult-use legalization measure late last year several...
World’s First Airport Cannabis Dispensary Reportedly Opening Summer 2022
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business, Politics.
Prince George Airport will reportedly allow a dispensary on its premises as of this summer Traveling, generally, with cannabis, is still risky, if not an angst-producing experience – even for...
Taxes And Provincial Mark-Ups Are Hindering Ontario’s Cannabis Industry
Written by Johnny Green on . Posted in Business, Policy.
The main motivation behind legalizing cannabis for adult and/or medical use should always be based on it simply being the right thing to do. No one should ever be penalized for using/possessing a plant...
The Top 20 Cannabis Firms In Germany In 2022
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Business.
This list of firms currently operating in the regulated cannabis ecosystem and space in Germany are the top companies in the vertical Make no mistake – the German cannabis industry is going to...