Cannabis Seminary For Doctors And Nurses To Be Held At University Of Ljubljana

Check out the upcoming event at the University of Ljubljana titled ‘Hemp and its Active Ingredients in Healthcare III’ on October 11th and 18th, 2023. The event is co-organized by the Research Nature Institute and is the third education seminary of a series involving doctors and nurses from the faculty at the University of Ljubljana.
The first day of lectures will discuss examples of good practices for nurses and doctors in Slovenia and abroad. Topics will include dosage recommendations, destigmatizing cannabis, and the treatment of neurodevelopmental syndromes.
The second day of presentations will explore potential issues and harm-reduction techniques for consuming cannabis for medical purposes. Attendees will hear for the first time how successful the clinical treatment of multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s disease is in Uruguay. Below is the event’s program:
Wednesday, 11/10/2023 – hybrid
16:00 – 16:05 Welcome address
16:05 – 16:45 Education of health workers on the use of cannabis and cannabinoids for medical purposes: literature review
Jasna Kovač, mag. dr. care, Pediatric Clinic UKC, MEDCA
Tatjana Lončar, B.Sc. med sestra Gynecology Clinic UKC, MEDCA
16:45 – 17:25 US Nurses Journey to Reduce the Stigma of Medical Cannabis ( Maureen Smyth, BSN RN, Certified Cannabis Nurse educator (USA) – ZOOM)
17:25 – 17:35 Break
17 :35 – 18:15 Treatment of neurodevelopmental syndromes with cannabidiol and medical cannabis (Prof. Dr. David Neubauer, MD)
18:15 – 19:00 Dosing – Developing a Cannabis Dose-Effect Hypothesis / “The Dosing Project – developing a Cannabis Dose-Effect Hypothesis« (dr. Jean Talleyrand, MD (USA) – ZOOM))
Research and findings in medicine
Wednesday, 18.10.2023 – hybrid
16:00 – 16:40 Kanabinoidi pri zdravljenju raka, primer glioblastoma (prof. dr. Tamara Lah Turnšek (NIB))
16:40 – 17:20 Problematic Cannabis Use of Medicinal Cannabis (dr. Ilya Reznik, MD – ZOOM)
17:20 – 17:30 Odmor
17:30 -18:10 Can Cannabis treat endometriosis (dr. Lumir Hanuš – ZOOM)
18:10 – 18:50 Therapeutic implications of cannabinoid actions in the brain and neurodegenerative diseases. A clinical perspective in Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease. (dr. Raquel Peyraube, MD (Urugvaj) – ZOOM)
The event will be moderated by journalist Mr. Gorazd Rečnik, who will lead the discussion and enable the lecturers and guests to ask questions online.
The seminar is intended for the general public, experts, health workers, politicians and officials, who will make future decisions in the field easier with the acquired knowledge.
Lectures will be held in Slovenian and English.
– live at the Faculty of Medicine, Zdravstvena pot 5, Ljubljana or
– in an online environment.
CO-ORGANIZER : RN, Institute for Nature Research, Development and Quality Assurance of Natural Medicines, with which the Faculty of Health UL has been actively cooperating for many years, is a research and educational institution.
30 EUR with VAT (exclusively for both days).
The content of the education is to obtain points from the ZZBNS and the Medical Chamber of Slovenia.
Participants receive certificates.
For more information about individual lectures and lecturers, write to, call 01 300 11 65, or go to: