Cannabis Movement Leader Debby Goldsberry to Speak at International Cannabis Business Conference

Anyone interested in starting and running a business needs to become an expert in the many different aspects that constitute successful entrepreneurship. Anyone interested in starting and running a cannabis business needs to know these things – and a WHOLE LOT MORE. If you have been looking what your options are for jumping into the new adult-legal market in California (or elsewhere) you know that the volatility and uncertainty of changing rules can be overwhelming. Employees and business partners must be vetted, local community support should be cultivated, and applications must be submitted with all i’s dotted and all t’s crossed.
And if you want expert advice on Starting and Running a Marijuana Business, I suggest going right to the source: Debby Goldsberry is the cannabis superheroine and social justice warrior who wrote the book, “Idiot’s Guides: Starting & Running a Marijuana Business,” bringing decades of experience and practical guidance to the up and coming cannabis businessperson. You can hear tips of the trade directly from Goldsberry at the upcoming International Cannabis Business Conference in San Francisco this February 1-2.
Mentored by the iconic Jack Herer, Debby has traveled the globe helping bring freedom to the cannabis community, counseling and inspiring many activists herself. Golsdberry has found herself involved in many successful cannabis ventures since her start in 1988, and currently serves as the Executive Director of Magnolia Wellness in Oakland, California, one of the very first California dispensaries to begin adult-use sales earlier this month. While Debby is a powerhouse of knowledge when it comes to the business, it’s her strong allegiance to community ethics and pursuit of meaningful political change which forms her foundation for success.
“It’s time for the cannabis industry to gather together and find a path forward. The end of prohibition is still far away, and the next steps will be crucial. This includes fighting high taxes, creating equitable access to licenses, and getting access to banking services. ICBC is where we will start the conversation about next steps.” – Debby Goldsberry
In just a few days, you have the chance to meet Debby Goldsberry and other time-tested cannabis professionals in person, and get answers to all of your burning questions at the International Cannabis Business Conference! ICBC returns to San Francisco on February 1st and 2nd at the Hyatt Embarcadero. Prices jump on January 31st, so get your tickets today!
Featured photo credit: SF Weekly
Debby Goldsberry, Idiot's Guides: Starting & Running a Marijuana Business, Jack Herer, Magnolia Wellness