Cannabis Investment Hotspots To Still Consider

Written by: Marguerite Arnold
International Cannabis Investment Hotspots That Aren’t Canada
Canada always has a lot of buzz as a great place for folks looking to invest in the international cannabis market. However, Investing in Canada can be tricky, and some would say that it’s almost too late to get in on the ground floor. Germany is hot, but there are also many countries just east of Germany that merit strong consideration from international investors. While these countries may require good research and an attorney well-versed in international law, there are opportunities sprouting – if you know how to look for them.
Due diligence is the first step, of course. While the same can be said of all canna investments, these countries require a little extra work, especially for those used to much laxer standards in Canada and the U.S. Particularly as you begin to head east and even more particularly, if you are looking outside of the EU (Hello, Macedonia!). Germany is, of course,a great place to start, but there are other opportunities just now starting to bud.
ONe more thing: If you expect to become an overnight millionaire, forget it. This new frontier is where low costs are driven by labor, and exports to Germany are the name of the game. A 10x ROI is not a multiplier to expect, although (especially if you have a great team), there are plenty of good returns to be had, and Eastern Europe is intriguing in part because very few people really understand or know much about what is happening right now.
Where should investors be looking?
Poland. This little sleeping gem to the “right” of Germany is about to pop. Powered by a burgeoning domestic medical population and export opportunities right next door, Deutschland’s “little sister” is positioned to become (among others) Jens Spahn’s best friend. For those who do not recognize the name, Spahn is the Health Minister of Germany. He just upped the import quota from Holland twice in the last nine months as German bids have decreased and been delayed by lawsuits and regulatory hurdles. Upping Holland’s import quota (Twice!) sends a strong message to the Canadian industry – at least from a pricing perspective. Combine that with a rash of “scandals” involving Candian cannabis companies, and mow the entire North American industry is under double secret probation. Some investors see Canada headed for another rocky summer and are looking east for new opportunities.
Greece. The Israelis, Canadians and a few other folks are already there, but Greece is still a goldmine of because the Greek government – still recovering from the Great Recession – has thrown open its doors to foreign investors, especially investors looking to combine cannabis with construction, land purchase and the tourist industry. The potential is staggering/
Croatia. Still early in the game, but German tourists love Croatia. Some see it as the Nevada of Eurpean cannabis. Reciprocal medical rights anyone?
Macedonia. Macedonia is not a member of the EU, but that is part of its appeal for the right investors. Because Macedonia needs to step up its economic game to fulfill its dream of joining the EU, many in the Macedonian cannabis industry (although there are still a few bad actors – diligence is important) take compliance with EU standards very seriously. This industry is a boon for the country.
Written by: Marguerite Arnold
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Berlin, Canada, cannabis industry, German pharmacists, Germany, Marijuana Business Daily, medical cannabis, Vancouver