The United States system of democracy has faced few administrations as tumultuous as the first few months of rule under our 45th president, Donald Trump. Combine the chaotic nature of the cannabis industry...
Get Tips on Securing Capital at the ICBC in Kauai this December
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Kauai.
In the new “Green Rush”, virtually everyone is a startup. And many of tomorrow’s biggest players in the marijuana market are currently looking for the right partner who will make for...
Cannabis Branding, Patents and Trademarks, Oh My!
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in ICBC Kauai.
There’s a lot to think about entering into any new business enterprise. Factor cannabis into the mix, and your entrepreneurial load multiples three-fold. Every angle of bringing a new product...
Progress in Paradise: Hawaii’s Cannabis Laws
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Kauai.
In 2000, the State of Hawaii became the first US state to advance medical cannabis policies through their legislature, rather than a ballot initiative process. At the time, it was only the sixth state...
Leafly-Sponsored After-Party Caps Off Historic First Day of the Berlin ICBC
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
It was very fitting that the first day of the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin focused heavily on medical cannabis research as the German medicinal marijuana system just recently...
The Threshold for Accepting Cannabis as Medicine
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in Medical.
Dr. Jokūbas Žiburkus, PhD for CANNTELLIGENCE When...
Don’t Miss MedCann Founder Pierre Debs at the Berlin ICBC
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
MedCann founder Pierre Debs has a rather remarkable story about how he rose to the highest ranks of the medical cannabis industry in Germany. The European powerhouse’s medical law has...
Israel Decriminalization Continues International Marijuana Progress
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
This past week, another significant milestone was achieved in the international cannabis world. The State of Israel, which has likely contributed more legitimized scientific research on the cannabis...
ICBC in Berlin Brings Science to the Forefront
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
The International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) came to Berlin this April 10-12, 2017, and brought the best of global cannabis expertise with it! The event was unlike any other,...