Last week I reported the California legislature was meeting in special session, and that one of the measures moving forward included a somewhat strict prohibition on cannabis branding and labeling....
New Testing Standards Implemented in Oregon
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in OMBC.
The Recreational Marijuana Program at the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) made an announcement on Wednesday, August 30, related to the state’s pesticide testing program. Now, every batch...
California May Unreasonably Restrict Cannabis Branding
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Business, ICBC San Francisco.
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” – Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare While Shakespeare’s words ring true across time and space, one thing is for sure: if...
American Cannabis Activists Irk German Drug Czar
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
Marlene Mortler, the Drug Czar of Germany, sounds like she has taken a cue from the garbled logic of US Drug Enforcement Administration and Kevin Sabet of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, a man I think...
Cannabis Recalled In Canada
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Vancouver.
Broken Coast Cannabis Ltd., a Vancouver Island-based commercial medical cannabis grower, has issued a recall for three batches of dried cannabis that made its way onto dispensary shelves last year,...
International Cannabis Treaties Stifling Legalization in Uruguay
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Business.
The long arm of the law stretches far and wide. Reports out of Uruguay this past week state that the Latin American country, the first to legalize adult-use cannabis in 2014, is facing internal...
Lagunitas Combining Cannabis Extracts and Hops
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in Business, ICBC Kauai.
Cannabis and alcohol have an interesting relationship in American society. Both of the substances have been prohibited by the federal government, but alcohol was able to break free of that disastrous...
Canadian Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Report Released
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Vancouver.
Under Justin Trudeau’s leadership, Canada is preparing for a fully regulated, adult-legal cannabis market, beginning in July 2018. On Monday, August 14, the Canadian Mental Health Association...
German Cannabis Expert, Dr. Franjo Grotenhermen, Starts Hunger Strike
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Berlin.
Germany has made great strides improving its cannabis laws in recent years, but there is still so much work to be done, as too many patients are still without safe access to a safe medicine. There was...