Count this week as another win for moms. Following a significant education campaign surrounding the use of cannabis as a treatment for children with epilepsy, the Peruvian Congress showed overwhelming...
Morgan Heritage to Perform at the ICBC in Kauai, Hawaii
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Entertainment, ICBC Kauai.
The International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) always brings the heavyweights, and this December is no exception. I’m excited that a giant act in musical world will be joining the ICBC...
Majority of Republicans Now Support Cannabis Legalization
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Politics.
What people do not understand, they fear. And what they fear, they destroy. I believe I first picked up that nugget of wisdom from Nightbreed, a strange horror/thriller movie based on the Clive Barker...
Water Quality Oversight Comes to California’s Cannabis Market
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in ICBC Kauai, ICBC San Francisco, Politics, Science.
On Tuesday, California’s State Water Board announced a strict new water policy for the Golden State’s exploding cannabis cultivation in attempt to create environmental standards to guide...
Hawaii Officials Give Approval to Its Second Cannabis Lab
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in Business, ICBC Kauai, Science.
Pharmlab Hawaii, LLC, passed final inspections this week from the Hawaii Deportment of Health (DOH), giving the private laboratory testing facility provisional certification to being medical cannabis...
Will the Canadian Cannabis Market Be Bigger Than Previously Thought?
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in Business, ICBC Kauai, ICBC Vancouver.
New information last week from GMP Securities, an independent investment dealer based in Toronto, is leading analysts in Canada to suggest that the adult-use legalization market in the Great White North...
The Oregon Medical Marijuana Program Lives On, Needs Reform
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in OMBC.
“The OMMP is dead.” “Wrong. Long live the OMMP!” If you are a member of the Oregon cannabis community, you have most likely heard people say, or post on social media, that the...
Oregon Cannabis Legalization Disburses $85 for State Services
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Business.
Schools, police, public health and safety officials and local government administrators in Oregon are all smiling big this week. Noelle Crombie of The Oregonian reported that the Oregon Department of...
Social Media Companies Love and Hate the Cannabis Community
Written by Amber Iris Langston on . Posted in Business, Cultural.
To say that cannabis entrepreneurs face unique changes in the marketplace could be an understatement. (It definitely is an understatement.) But the truth is, until we fix federal prohibition cannabis...