It’s no secret what Jeff Sessions thinks about cannabis. Donald Trump’s “beleaguered” Attorney General famously once uttered that, “Good people don’t smoke marijuana,”...
Canadian Cannabis Demand Expected to Hit 2.2 Million Pounds (1 Million Kilograms)
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
As the Canadian government is set to implement the rules for cannabis commerce in the coming months, companies are doing all they can to prepare. We have seen dramatic consolidation within the industry,...
Canopy Rivers Offering Up to One Million Dollars at the Vancouver ICBC
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
There are many great opportunities for entrepreneurs in the multi-billion-dollar Canadian cannabis industry, but the realities of legal commerce mandate that businesses maintain sufficient capital resources...
$24 Billion Canadian Cannabis Industry Set to Grow Abroad and at Home
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Unless you are living under a rock, you know that Canada is about to legalize cannabis commerce across the nation. Once federal, provincial, and local officials finalize all the rules and regulations,...
Aurora Buying MedReleaf in Biggest Cannabis Industry Deal Ever
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
With Canada set to establish a multi-billion dollar cannabis industry that will rival, or maybe even surpass, the spirits and wine industries, companies are looking to consolidate to increase their...
U.S. Cannabis Industry Bolstered by Supreme Court’s Gambling Ruling
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Berlin, ICBC Portland, ICBC San Francisco, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
As a sports fan that likes to occasionally place a wager or two while I’m in Las Vegas, I was hoping that the United States Supreme Court would strike down the Professional and Amateur Sports...
Canada Should Grant Amnesty for Cannabis Convictions
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Cultural, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Legalizing cannabis will bring more jobs, revenue, and freedom to Canada. Article after article has been written, and will continue to be written, about the economic benefits of cannabis commerce....
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Expects Cannabis Sales to Rival Wine
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
When a state or nation is contemplating legalizing cannabis, revenue projections vary. In the United States, most government projections have underestimated cannabis sales as it is hard to accurately...
Largest Canadian Supermarket Chain to Open Cannabis Stores
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Canada is about to legalize cannabis commerce among adults across the nation and that the cannabis industry is a multi-billion dollar industry...