As a sports fan that likes to occasionally place a wager or two while I’m in Las Vegas, I was hoping that the United States Supreme Court would strike down the Professional and Amateur Sports...
Canada Should Grant Amnesty for Cannabis Convictions
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Cultural, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Legalizing cannabis will bring more jobs, revenue, and freedom to Canada. Article after article has been written, and will continue to be written, about the economic benefits of cannabis commerce....
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Expects Cannabis Sales to Rival Wine
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
When a state or nation is contemplating legalizing cannabis, revenue projections vary. In the United States, most government projections have underestimated cannabis sales as it is hard to accurately...
Largest Canadian Supermarket Chain to Open Cannabis Stores
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Unless you’re living under a rock, you know that Canada is about to legalize cannabis commerce among adults across the nation and that the cannabis industry is a multi-billion dollar industry...
Canadian Cannabis and Beer Markets Starting to Merge
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Social.
While there is evidence that legal cannabis decreases beer (and alcohol) consumption a bit, it does make a lot of sense for the cannabis and beer industries to be aligned in many ways. For many responsible...
Will Canada Delay Cannabis Legalization…Again?
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver, Politics.
Every state in the U.S. that has legalized cannabis has had its ups and downs, so we shouldn’t expect Canada to be any different as it works on implementing regulations that will make the nation...
Canopy Growth, Other Top Canadian Cannabis Companies, Ready for Legalization
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Canadian cannabis companies have had a leg up on the rest of the world thanks to their federal government wisely legalizing medicinal use across the Great White North. With the backing of the national...
Report Estimates Canadians Spent Over $5 Billion on Cannabis in 2017
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Vancouver.
Estimating cannabis use and expenditures is rather tricky, especially during prohibition. Most people, even with the promise of anonymity, are probably unlikely to be completely honest about their illegal...
Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Cannabis Can Be a Gateway to Recovery
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in ICBC Vancouver, Medical.
Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s evolution on cannabis has been rather remarkable. In 2009, he was a prominent voice opposing legalization. By 2013, he had examined the issue more and publicized his change...