As most folks know by now, a lack of banking services have forced cannabis businesses, including those legal under state law, to deal predominantly in cash due to continued U.S. banking laws that make...
Former US Senate Majority Leader Joins International Cannabis Board
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, Politics.
As the cannabis legalization movement moves more mainstream, and the industry become more profitable, we shouldn’t be surprised to see former policymakers and elected officials join the business...
Former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher on Reagan, Trump, and Cannabis
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Zurich, Politics.
The best chance of the United States has of legalizing cannabis in the near future is passing the STATES Act that would end federal interference with state’s legalization laws as Donald Trump...
ICBC Zurich 2019 In Pictures! Next up: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, Cultural, ICBC Zurich, Politics.
The International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) made its first venture into Switzerland last week, with a conference in Zurich, and the event was a raging success. A sincere thanks to all...
Dana Rohrabacher Talks ICBC and Trump’s Support for Cannabis Legalization
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Zurich, Politics.
Politics can make strange bedfellows. It is a cliche, but it is simply the truth, especially in the United States. There aren’t many political issues that progressive Oregon Senators Ron Wyden...
Europe’s Largest Cannabis Producer Strikes Swiss-UK Deal
Written by ICBC Staff on . Posted in Business, ICBC Zurich.
The international cannabis community continues to become more integrated as nation after nation establishes federal regulations. Canada, the first G7 country to end prohibition, has given their companies...
Step by Step, Switzerland Moves Closer to Legalizing Cannabis
Written by Marguerite Arnold on . Posted in Policy.
Just as the European market could not get any more interesting, the Swiss Federal Commission for Addiction Issues has called for cannabis to be decriminalized and the market to finally be regulated....
Europe’s $318 Billion CBD Market Poised for 400% Boom Through 2023
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Zurich.
Cannabis legalization typically takes a series of baby steps and then giant leaps depending on the location. Progressive states in the U.S. have typically started with decriminalization of personal...
Meet the Cannabis CBD Companies of Switzerland
Written by Anthony Johnson on . Posted in Business, ICBC Zurich.
Starting in 2016, Switzerland approved cannabis flowers and products for tobacco cessation or as a tobacco substitute. The catch is that the THC content cannot go over 1%. Since then, over 600 companies...