Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin
The ICBC and the Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin have partnered to bring you a special conference rate.

“I have only three words for this conference: Best Conference Ever!”
Andrew Sullivan, The Dish
“I really like the ICBC. I was shocked in Barcelona at the amount of passionate cannabis businesspeople. Lots of talking, lots of discussions, and lots of knowledge. And Barcelona was pretty cool, too. I love the exotic places where ICBC chooses to celebrate cannabis. They know how to put it together. I’ll be back!”
Jim Belushi, Founder of Belushi’s Farm
“The ICBC in San Francisco was an eye opening experience for me. I learned more in the one day of ICBC than in 5 years of poking around this business of cannabis. Can’t wait to go to Oregon for my next lesson.”
John Salley, NBA Champion
“The ICBC was an extraordinarily energized and positive event. Those in attendance will be changing perception and acceptance of cannabis. This is the beginning of something great.”
Henry Rollins, Musician Entrepreneur
“I found this conference to be one of the most comprehensive; there were talks on cannabis, social justice, human rights and science.”
Dr. Carl Hart, PhD