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A Missed Opportunity To Modernize Colombia’s Cannabis Policies

bogota colombia

In Colombia, all constitutional amendments must undergo a two-year process, and since adult-use legalization requires a constitutional amendment, all such measures must undergo the multi-year process. An adult-use legalization measure sponsored by Rep. Juan Carlos Losada was successfully working its way through that process, however, the measure came up short this month.

Both chambers of Colombia’s Congress previously approved Rep. Losada’s measure last year, but due to the multi-year process, the bill still required a series of successful votes this year.

The Chamber of Deputies approved the legalization measure again last month, but despite a Senate committee approving the measure this year, the bill failed to receive the necessary 54 votes when receiving full floor consideration. Although, it is worth noting that the bill did receive a majority of votes (47-43).

Rep. Juan Carlos Losada made it clear in a tweet after the bill stalled that he will be back to introduce the measure again next month:

The tweet’s text auto-translates to, “We are not going to give up! We remain firm because we are sure that reaching 8th. debate is historic. With @PizarroMariaJo we will once again file the project to regulate the #CannabisDeUsoAdulto market on July 20.”

It’s unfortunate that the measure has to go back to the starting line and undergo, once again, a two-year process. Hopefully, this next time is a success, as there is clearly a significant level of support for Colombia to modernize its cannabis policies.
